In November 2021 (after a 20 month hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic) we premiered this new play at The Bread & Roses Theatre.
Innocence examines the impact of an allegation of grooming on both the accuser and the accused. In the age of the #metoo movement and when safeguarding our young people has never been more paramount, this timely play presents a fictitious situation, and allows the audience to decide with which character their sympathies lie once they have heard both sides of the story. The production received several 4 star reviews.
Writer's note
Initially, I envisaged the piece would explore a male/female relationship… but Mamet’s Oleanna and Harrower’s Blackbird already cover this territory theatrically and so I decided to write Innocence for two male characters.
Like all theatre should, this play is intended to provoke discussion and debate. It does not seek to make any form of statement or judgement other than to highlight a societal issue which, although rife, is rarely talked about. The media certainly never seem to report both the accuser and accused’s version of similar events.
I would like to thank the people who shared details of their experiences with me when I did my research for the piece. Your voices are heard here.
November 2021

Broadway World
“A multi-faceted and hard-hitting play”
“It's a joy to see theatre doing what it does best, which is making people think”
“There really are two sides to every coin in this thoughtful and provocative piece of theatre”
The Reviews Hub
“Both performers completely inhabit their roles and are genuinely electric to watch”
“This monologue-heavy play doesn’t drag for a moment”
“Another directorial triumph”
“A theatrically engaging, well-executed production”
Audience Feedback
“A very well written, directed and performed play that deals with inherently difficult material in an intelligent and sensitive way. It raises all the right questions in all the right ways...”
Christopher Sherwood
“What a show! Incredible work by Angel Theatre Company. Don't miss it!”
Joseph Lindoe, Associate Director of The Bridge House Theatre
“Extremely cleverly written piece & trademark precision direction, delivered beautifully by Malcolm Jeffries and Theo Watt. Hats off to Angel Theatre Company”
Stephen Donald
“A powerhouse that makes you jump between sympathy and repulsion in equal measures. Malcolm Jeffries and
Theo Watt give fantastic performances.”
Ricky Zalman
“I urge you to see Innocence… this is what theatre is supposed to be. It’s supposed to make you feel the way that I’m feeling right now. Come see it!”
Samantha Kamras
“So so good! Difficult subject matter dealt with intelligently and delicately.”
Henry Brackenridge
“An excellent play for today which will make you think much more than twice. Can there be a middle ground... or not? A finely tuned piece of theatre with committed and engaging performances.”
Barbara Garfath
“Incredible performances and such an insightful and intriguing story. Constantly switching between which story I believed the entire way through.”
Kieran Dooner
“Incredibly thought-provoking and utterly engaging.”
Joe Tapper
“Innocence is a difficult watch but a necessary one. Cracking performances from Malcolm Jeffries and Theo Watt.”
Louis Fox